Sunday, May 4, 2014

Heavenly Playgirl Dating Sim


-go to the mall and locate WTH shop
-get the key from BUY ITEMS, the golden key
-return to your apartment and check out the room with the yellow door
almostimmortalbutstillnot (Max HP)
needextrabackpacknow (unlock all items)
highspeedrebornbaby (minimize your level of sin)
dokidokinotpatient (brings you to the last day)

SERGIO MADISON (best friend, who has had a crush on you ever since you met)
*friendzonedcrybaby - to get max relationship points with him
Week 1, Thursday: park (100 pts)
Week 3, Monday: classroom (300 pts)
Week 4, Monday: classroom (500 pts)
Week 5, Saturday: cafe (1000 pts)
Likes: angel doll, hairpin and wizard costume

VITTORIO MARCHAND (the guy you like/have a crush on)
*girlsphobiabatter - to get max relationship points with him
Week 1, Thursday: field(100 pts)
Week 3, Monday: library (300 pts)
Week 4, Monday: library (500 pts)
Week 5, Friday: park (1000 pts)
Likes: bat, shades and hairspray

DR. NIKOLAI PASHLEY (the doctor who took care of you)
*youngsmartandsingle - to get max relationship points with him
Week 2, Monday: Heavenhill's hospital - doctor's office (100 pts)
Week 3, Monday: doctor's office (300 pts)
Week 4, Monday: doctor's office (500 pts)
Week 4, Sunday: airport (1000 pts)
Likes: cactus plant, holy water and dragonfruit

CLEON REDMOND (the guy who was in the same accident as you)
*obsessedwithriku - to get max relationship points with him
Week 2, Monday: Heavenhill's hospital - VIP room, opposite direction of the treatment room
Week 3, Monday: VIP room (100 pts)
Week 4, Monday: cafe (300 pts)
Week 5, Monday: cafe (500 pts)
Week 5, Friday: airport (1000 pts)
Likes: dragonfruit, kingdom heart's poster and key necklace

KEAGAN SAKURAI (the guy next door)
*aishiterugreenikemen - to get max relationship points with him
Week 2, Monday: apartment - next door
Week 3, Monday: Keagan's room (100 pts)
Week 4, Monday: Keagan's room (300 pts), earn another (500 pts) for another special scene
Week 5, Friday: library (1000 pts)
Likes: cactus plant, green suncap and printer

IGNACIO DAMERON (the handsome exorcist)
*myfavoriteexorcist - to get max relationship points with him
Week 2, Monday: Heavenhill's apartment
Week 3, Monday: grocery (100 pts), earn another (300 pts)
Week 4, Thursday: cafe (500 pts)
Week 5, Monday: airport (1000 pts)
Likes: hairspray, kingdom heart's poster and holy water

RAY FORREST (your hero)
*machomuscularracer - to get max relationship points with him
Week 1, Sunday: bus station
Week 3, Monday: cinema (100 pts), earn another (300 pts)
Week 4, Thursday: gym (500  pts)
Week 5, Friday: park (1000 pts)
Likes: key necklace, water and laptop

ANGELO CARROLL (the handsome ex-angel)

Week 1, Wednesday: go to the chapel and there you'll meet angel Angelo


  1. There's another cheat for max money: ohohohohohohohohohoXD

  2. Oh, I never knew that. Thanks so much for telling me that :) *brofist*

  3. do you also know that 2 items are worth 30 points and 1 is worth 40?

  4. the last scene of sergio isnt at the cafe but at the gym

  5. I got angelo!


    I forget most questions, so just look at answers and see what one matches...

    Well I like you however you are - right
    But your my angel - wrong

    Because there are hills and you would need a tunnel and that's expensive - Wrong
    No, why? - right

    Srry I'm so forgettful that's all I remember, but ik he likes the angel doll from the mall, if it helps!

  6. *It's actually favourite for the excorsist guy

  7. Thank you very much)
    Now I know how to get them all))0)

  8. Angelo has a form of love milestone every Monday. He got annoyed when I gave him holy water saying That he doesn't need it.

  9. I just slept until the first Wednesday and went to church to talk to him. Then I applied the infinite energy cheat and worked to give him coats every day. Also talk to him at least once every time you see him so you dont miss events.

  10. I think that the scenes trigger once you reach the points since I got the first event with vittorio before Thursday

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